Sunday 6 March 2011

january 2011 sales up.

Motorcycle sales were 29.2% better than a year ago, while moped sales increased by 10.6%.

Small motorcycles are the ones that are leading the sales charge. Motorcycles between 50cc and 125cc saw the biggest growth, with a 44.5% increase compared to last January.
These areas are Adventure Sport (52%), Scooter (43%) and Supersport (41.5%)," said the MIC in a press release. Scooters accounted for the highest number of registrations in January (958 machines) followed by the Naked sector (732).
Honda had the most number of registrations in January thanks to the Honda CBF 125cc, which had the highest number of registrations of any motorcycle. Yamaha and Triumph were next in line, both with impressive January numbers.